Herbal Facial Mask
Mix with raw honey, plain yogurt, or water and apply to face avoiding eyes. Leave on 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
BRIGHTENING: High in vitamin C and made with herbs to naturally brighten and revitalize tired skin. Gentle enough for all skin types.
Ingredients: arrowroot powder, bentonite clay, rose petals, calendula petals, rose hips, orange peel
Ingredients: bentonite clay, arrowroot powder, cornstarch, rice flour, spirulina, rose petals, calendula, matcha, peppermint leaf, rose geranium essential oil
Ingredients: arrowroot powder, bentonite clay, plantago, calendula, peppermint, activated charcoal
Ingredients: bentonite clay, arrowroot powder, cornstarch, green tea (gunpowder and matcha), lemongrass, jasmine, plantago, comfrey, lemongrass essential oil